Cairns Post
21 April 2022
21 April 2022
Barrier-breaking international golf event to be held at FNQ
World Blind Golf founders Neil Heregen and Dr Brad Carver, with Half Moon Bay Golf member Helen McCarthy.
A sport breaking the barrier of blindness will make its first foray on an international level at the Half Moon Bay Golf Course this month. World Blind Golf, founded by Neil Heregen and Dr Brad Carver, will host a tournament at the course, to help raise the profile of blind golf.
“It’s a mental health issue if anything – people think they can’t join their mates on the golf course,” Heregen said.
“The aim is to get those who are blind or have low vision to come out and be part of their local club to participate in the community.
“Instead of sitting at home wondering what they can do, they’re out playing golf with their friends.”
Both Heregen and Dr Carver have conditions that affect their sight, but both have stood toe-to-toe with their well-sighted friends on a level playing field that ensures no handicap advantage to either side.
“I play at my local golf club every week with sighted people – I’m the only blind person there,” Dr Carver said.
“But they all know it, it’s not an issue anymore.
They don’t complain, especially if I beat them.”
The competition will start on April 26 with a ‘come and try’ day at Half Moon Bay, before formally commencing the next day.
Thanks to technology, anyone around the world can participate in the tourney, with their local courses calculated for in the final tally.
“The idea being a person can come along and play, but if they can’t come along, they can play at a golf course around the world,” Heregen said.
“Using the magic of computers and golf handicaps and the grading, we’ll level things out.
“We played the Canadian open six months ago, but we did it virtually – it was a real hoot.
“The other night we were talking to golf clubs in Ireland who are promoting it.”
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