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Register for Challenge Golf @ Minnippi

World Blind Golf Introduces ‘Challenge Golf’—A New Era for Disability Golf in Brisbane

Brisbane, Australia – In a groundbreaking move, World Blind Golf is set to introduce Challenge Golf at Brisbane City Council’s Minnippi Golf Course on Wednesday, June 5. This innovative programme promises a fun and engaging way for disabled individuals to experience golf, aiming to transform perceptions and accessibility of the sport within the disabled community.

Challenge Golf transcends traditional golfing by focusing on enjoyment rather than competitive play. “Golf is more than just a game, and with Challenge Golf, we’re bringing a joyful, inclusive experience to all participants,” stated Neil Herdegen, CEO of World Blind Golf. “Our sessions are designed to be light-hearted and fun, ensuring everyone, from newcomers to seasoned enthusiasts, can enjoy the spirit of the game.”

This initiative is inspired by the success of a similar programme in Costa Rica, which has been running for nearly two decades under the guidance of PGA Professional Jose Quesada. The Costa Rican programme has already transformed lives, creating a vibrant community of golfers who find joy and personal growth through their involvement in the sport.

Jose Quesada, reflecting on the impact of the programme, said, “Challenge Golf is about harnessing the therapeutic aspects of golf to improve lives. It’s about focusing on what participants can gain—confidence, joy, and a sense of community—not on their limitations.”

The launch event promises to be a lively affair, starting with communal food and drinks. “We’re kicking things off with a friendly, social atmosphere where participants, support staff, and families can mingle and build connections,” Herdegen explained. Following the social hour, attendees will participate in specially designed golf games, tailored to ensure everyone can participate safely and enjoyably, regardless of their physical abilities.

Looking ahead, World Blind Golf plans to expand this initiative, bringing Challenge Golf to other states and even internationally, with a special clinic set to launch in Thailand in September. “The response from the international disabled sport community has been overwhelmingly positive, and we’re excited to bring this programme to more people around the world,” added Herdegen.

In addition to the local launch, World Blind Golf continues to advocate for inclusivity in all their events. “Our Open Abilities Golf Development Programme is a testament to our commitment to inclusivity. We welcome players of all disabilities to join, and we’re particularly proud that our tournaments, including the upcoming Brisbane Blind Open, feature an Open Abilities division,” Herdegen shared.

As the community gears up for this exciting launch, World Blind Golf is calling on the public and socially-minded organisations to support this cause. “Seeing the joy and camaraderie during our visit to the Costa Rican clinic reinforced our belief in the transformative power of Challenge Golf. We’re eager to replicate that success here and create lasting impact,” concluded Herdegen.

For those interested in participating or supporting, tickets for the June 5 Challenge Golf event at Minnippi are currently available but limited. Details and purchases can be made through the World Blind Golf website at Join us in making golf accessible and enjoyable for all, irrespective of disability.

Register for Challenge Golf @ Minnippi